ISAC Cambodia (InfoSec)
GeneralSecurity NewsTraining SeriesVideo

Cloud Complexities: Navigating the Headwinds

From lambda functions and microservices to Kubernetes and machine learning: We have heard of devops and shifting left, S3 buckets, APIs and enough terminology to ensure everyones success at buzzword bingo. But what does all of this mean when it comes to business operations and unnecessary complexities? Who is making the choices that impact the security of client information? We hear about the epic fails that make it to the news, but make no mistake, there are countless operational, implementational and managerial mistakes happening all of the time which can impact security. This talk will discuss some of those mistakes and highlight a few key takeaways to help keep a level of sanity for you and your teammates.

The complexity isnt going anywhere in the short term, lets focus on what we can control and aim for the best outcomes.

Speaker Bio
Serge Borso When it comes to web application security and penetration testing, Serge is among the best possible instructors to learn from due to his experience, accomplishments, and, quite frankly, his personality. Duplicate badges to walk right through security and access a “secure” facility – did that. Dumpster diving for sensitive information outside of a financial institution – to him, that was “lots of fun.” Create an enterprise-wide, measurably successful security program for a billion-dollar company – one of his many accomplishments. All of them, in scope of the engagements. He’s a published author, President of the Denver Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) chapter, founder and CEO of the cyber security consulting firm, SpyderSec, he’s discovered multiple 0-days, written OSINT tools for the community, and is a polished presenter who speaks regularly at national conferences. Truly, an expert in the field. Read more about Serge at

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